Case Summary

A class action has been launched on behalf of the residents of 96 long-term care homes in Ontario that experienced devastating COVID-19 related outbreaks and their family members and estates.

The proposed action seeks damages from the owners and operators of long-term care homes arising from their alleged negligence, breaches of fiduciary duty and breaches of section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Sienna Senior Living Inc. and the City of Toronto are named as proposed Representative Defendants. The government of Ontario will be added as a defendant once the 60-day notice period expires.

Click here to access further details of the class action, including a comprehensive list of all long-term care facilities included in the claim.

Want to Launch a Legal Recourse Through a Class Action?

If you have been wronged or harmed by the actions of a corporation or organization and believe there may be others in the same situation, call us at 1-877-820-1210 so we can examine your claim and establish a course of action asap.

Himelfarb Proszanski currently represents one of the largest franchise associations in Canada in 2 class actions.

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